Can Drinking Green Tea Really Help You Lose Weight?

Drinking green tea has been long practiced in Asian countries especially in China and Japan. And green tea has been known to have health benefits. It is a common belief that people have become healthier when they drink green tea. Studies even have shown the positive effects that drinking green tea brings.
Caffeine in Green Tea
It is common knowledge that green tea or tea in general contains caffeine. And it is the caffeine in green tea that enables calories and fats in the body to be burned faster. This is also how green tea aids people to lose weight.
Some people stay away from green tea because it contains caffeine. However, there is really nothing to worry about it.  The amount of caffeine in green tea is not that great to make them hyper. In fact, green tea gives a calming effect to people. It even improves sleep in many people.
Green tea will not dehydrate individuals who drink it. Drinking green tea would still provide more liquid to people rather than dehydrate them. The overall effect would still be possible for this issue.

Green Tea Effects: Lipid Suppression and Metabolism Enhancement
Well, as stated above, metabolism is enhanced with green tea. With more calories and fats burned people would definitely be better off. Weight loss may also be facilitated with the help of green tea.
Lipid suppression is also another effect brought about by green tea. What happens is that store body fats are used up. Fats are actually burned faster so the body fat content is reduced.
Drinking Green Tea for Weight Loss
Well, while drinking green tea has been the practice for so long people have found ways to take in green tea as well. Nevertheless, drinking tea still is done by most people. It is suggested that people drink about 3 to 10 cups of green tea to get full benefits from it. Too much of green tea might actually not be very good too.
For people who are serious about losing weight like models, body builders and other weight conscious people, they take extra effort by taking in green tea extracts. Others would get green tea pills. Such green tea supplements are usually taken at least twice a day. It is generally taken once in the morning or around the afternoon meal. And then another one should be taken right before going to bed. It would typically take a few days before the human body adjusts to them though.
Making Green Tea Work for Your Weight Loss
Yes, green tea can help boost metabolism. Calories and fats in the body get burned faster when people drink green tea or take in green tea extracts and green supplements. One must take note, however, that while green tea is beneficial it will not do magic or miracles for individuals who want to lose weight.
Its effects to people’s weight would be greater if people, for example, drink green tea instead of the sweet and calorie rich drinks they are used to. More than that people would have to adjust their entire eating habits. Eating more fruits and vegetables would, for example, make their bodies to be more conducive to weight loss. Overeating certainly would not help.
No matter how many gallons of green tea one drinks if he is going to overeat all the time he is bound to gain weight instead of losing some. One thing remains important in order to lose weight. One must burn more calories and fats than the amount he takes in for him to start losing weight.
This brings in one more requirement for losing weight. Exercise should be a part of the weight loss program for it to be effective. People need to exercise to burn more calories. Drinking green tea or taking green tea extracts and green tea supplements is not enough to make one person lose weight. So while taking green tea would be helpful in weight loss, eating right and exercise is also very essential.